Comedy Night Mark Maier (MC), Otiz Canneloni, Shazia Mirza and Mike Gunn

Join us for a smash-hit comedy extravaganza. Mark Maier (MC) is a multi award-winning comedian on both the national and international comedy circuits. He regularly performs with the critically-acclaimed Comedy Store Players, and has made many radio and TV appearances. Otis Cannelloni is billed a reluctant messiah and man of the people. With an O-level in woodwork and TV appearances, he is probably best summed up as a mix of a crazy children's entertainer meeting an even madder messed-up magician. Shazia Mirza's recent appearances include The Jonathan Ross Show, Would I lie to You? QI, Celebrity MasterMind and The Graham Norton Show, and was the star of Celebrity Island - Bear Grylls. Her show The Kardashians Made Me Do It completed 3 sell out runs. Mike Gunn’s misspent youth and a series of grim jobs cultivated his cynical outlook on life and a perverse desire led him to the world of stand-up. A self-confessed pessimist, he’s actually loving, warm and philanthropic. Just a bit misunderstood.

Only suitable for 18+

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