Meet the Team

The Stratford-upon-Avon Literary Festival was set up in 2008 and the Festival team comprises:

Maggie O'Farrell
Festival Patron, novelist, award-winning author of Hamnet

See all our Ambassadors here

Picture: Lorentz Gullachsen

Julia Donaldson
UK's biggest selling children's author and Patron of our Outreach Work

Annie Ashworth
Trustee, Festival Director and Programming - email

Jo James
Operations Director and Programming - email

Charlotte Brennan
Festival Administrator and Fundraising Lead - email

Becci Smith

Family and Schools events programmer - email

Judy Reaves
Set Design and My Author Project

Liz Wise
Books with Friends Meetings Leader

Suzanne Worthington
Volunteers Coordinator - email

Alison Morris
Writers' Room Author Care

Kate Abbey

David Fletcher
Trustee and Money Man

Rupert Barnes
Festival Photographer

Lorentz Gullachsen
Photographer, Festival Faces Project

Tamsin Williams
Press and PR - Wigwam PR - email

Truly Content Ltd
Regional Press, PR and Digital Advertising


Annie Ashworth, David Fletcher, Philip Heath (Chair), Dr Diana Owen OBE, Madeleine Parker, Julia Wheeler

Festival Chairs:
Clare Clark
Olivia Chapman
Nicky Cox
Jo Durrant
Tim Hubbard
John Jefferies
Meg Sanders
Caroline Sanderson
Deirdre Shields
Julia Wheeler

Prison Workshop Team:
Annie Ashworth
Hollie Hughes, children's author
Smriti Halls, children's author
Patrick Kincaid

The Festival offers an opportunity for people to meet their favourite authors and celebrities and the chance to learn new skills. It has an extensive community programme, works in prisons and has one of the biggest educational and outreach programmes of any literary festival.

We also aim to have great fun doing it!

Festival Office: 01789 470185

The Stratford Literary Festival is Charitable Incorporated Organisation Number: 1164662.

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